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Cover of a pamphlet from the dedication ceremony for the South Bend-Mishawaka Center in 1961. This building is now known as Northside Hall.

Front and back cover of an informational pamphlet for an Indiana University extension course to be taught in South Bend, Indiana for the 1915-1916 school year. The course being offered is a Political Science course entitled "Leading Political and…

The two inside pages of an informational pamphlet for an Indiana University extension course to be taught in South Bend, Indiana for the 1915-1916 school year. The course being offered is a Political Science course entitled "Leading Political and…

A catalog from 1940 describing material, including lantern slides, available to be shipped from the Bloomington campus to extension divisions in cities across the state. Courtesy of Indiana University Archives, Bloomington.

The January 1914 edition of the Indiana University Alumni Quarterly publication. Courtesy of Indiana University Archives, Bloomington.

A 1912 leather cigarette case with the cream and crimson Indiana University flag logo. 1912 was the year that Indiana University launched its extension division. Courtesy of Indiana University Archives, Bloomington.

Promotional poster for a 1967 production of the play Marat/Sade performed by the Indiana University South Bend Campus Theatre.

An employee of the Bureau of Visual Instruction at Indiana University Bloomington packages lantern slides, 1941. The slides were shipped off to schools and community centers across the state as part of the Indiana University extension program.…

IU South Bend students and professors in Oaxaca, Mexico during a study abroad trip in the summer of 2018.

The official logo for Indiana University South Bend Athletics, the Titans, featuring the Titus the Titan macot. This is the most recent iteration of the Titans logo, and has been in use since 2006.
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